The “Unforgettable Freddie Mercury”

[:it]The Residence Zanzibar, splendido Resort della catena alberghiera internazionale by Cenizaro, il 24 novembre scorso ha reso omaggio al leggendario Freddie Mercury,  cantante leader dei Queen, dedicando un’intera  notte in suo onore in memoria del suo contributo alla musica e al mondo !!!

Farrokh Bulsara, in arte Freddie Mercury, nacque il 5 settembre del 1946 a Zanzibar, l’isola dell’oceano indiano a largo della Tanzania, ove sorge The Residence Zanzibar, una residenza che odora di spezie e pirati come un romanzo d’avventura e custodisce 66 perle. Sono le sue ville private, un ritiro divino sulla via della Compagnia delle Indie. Sfilano una via l’altra su 32 ettari di giardino tropicale a sfioro d’acqua, guardiane del tramonto da cui arrivano a vele spiegate i nungwi, le tipiche barche locali.[:en]The Residence Zanzibar, a splendid resort of the international hotel chain by Cenizaro, paid tribute to the legendary Queen singer Freddie Mercury on November 24th, dedicating a whole night in his honor in memory of his contribution to music and the world !!

Farrokh Bulsara, aka Freddie Mercury, was born on September 5, 1946 in Zanzibar, the Indian Ocean island off Tanzania, where The Residence Zanzibar stands, a residence that smells like spices and pirates like an adventure novel. It holds 66 pearls. It is his private villas, a divine retreat on the way of the Compagnia delle Indie. The other runs along one another on 32 hectares of tropical water-filled garden, guardians of the sunset from which the nungwi, the typical local boats.[:]

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